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What’s the price of a tailor-made software project?

What’s the price of a tailor-made software project?


Somewhere between $5,000 and $500,000.

Hopefully that made you laugh because that was the point. On the surface, it’s not a very helpful answer, other than to say that custom software isn’t something you will find rows of on a shelf with the same price tag stuck on the front of each one. That probably doesn’t surprise you. The word “tailor-made” kind of gives it away.

So, how do you move forward with your software project if you don’t even know the price?

That’s not the right question. The right question is, how much will you need to invest in your software project? To answer that question, you need to know two things.

The first thing is to know exactly what you need and why.

Some questions for determining what you need in the software:

  • How many users will the software serve?
  • Which features does the software need to have?
  • From the list of features, which ones are the most important?
  • Does the software need to be a web app, a mobile app, or both?
  • Does the software need to be on Android and iOS?

Some questions for determining why you need the software:

  • Will it make a process more efficient?
  • Will it replace old software that is not as effective or secure as it needs to be?
  • Do you have an idea for a new service for your customers and need a new system to provide that service?

The second thing to know is your budget.

Are you making an investment with cash you have available? Can you invest $50,000 all at once or $10,000 per month for five months?

Maybe you are making an investment based on the savings your new software will produce. Are you going to save $1,000,000 per year, then you have some flexibility with what you can include in your tailor-made software. You could invest $50,000, $100,000, or even $200,000 on that project and get a great return on your investment.

Once you know what you need, why you need it, and your budget, it’s time to align those three areas. Contact us for a free planning session. We will work with you to develop a few options, so that you can make the best investment for your project.

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